Sunday, August 29, 2010

What I Ate and The Meaning of Love

I am combining Saturday and Sunday's posts because I was at Women of Faith on Saturday and napped on Sunday. I will wait until a bit later on Monday to post that day's entry.

On Saturday, I ate a lot of different things because we were at WoF and we had a skybox and the food was catered.

I had, in no particular order: 2 blondies, various veggies and a bit of ranch dip (veggies included fresh asparagus), bruschetta with finely chopped kalamata olives (that has to be akin to what crack tastes like because I wanted to rub it on my body and lick it off. I am not one bit embarrassed to admit that.), 3 Chips A Hoy chocolate chip cookies, french fries, a ham and cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread with olive spread mentioned above (Addictive, folks. Highly addictive.), a handful or two of Swedish fish, a strawberry banana smoothie, chicken and dumplings, corn on the cob, 2 scoops of slow churned chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, a few pretzel twists.

It was a good day for eatin', y'all.

Now.....the meaning of love. Such a deep subject that I probably should not be trying to tackle at 12:25 AM, but here goes.....

God is the ultimate meaning of love. He created us, allowed us to live even in our sin, sent His only Son to take full punishment for our sin so He could offer Him to us as a way of salvation. Because of His perfect example of love for us and to us, we are to love others as He loves us. It is not an easy task, but that is how He says others will know we are believers - for our love, one to another.

My husband is an excellent example of  God's love. He loves unconditionally, with great passion and sweet abandon. He loves his Savior first of all, then he loves me, his wife. Next, his children may question other things, but can be sure of his love for them and lastly, he loves the Vikings.

I am blessed to have such love lavished on me by my God and my husband. Blessed, indeed.            

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