Saturday, August 11, 2007

Celebrating Noah at CEC

We celebrated Noah's birthday with his friends at playgroup the day before his actual birthday. He had a lot of fun winning tickets, eating pizza, having cupcakes and opening presents.

Noah started the party with a moving ballad

Wyatt plays the racing game

Heather and Nathan try out the jet ski game

Dawn, Faith and Riley wins some tickets

Mason hangs around while Jolene plays a game

Kari and Abby play the Frog game

Eating pizza

The birthday boy

Chuck E Cheese

Noah and Chuck E

Nathan in the playplace

Noah and Bob on a job

Noah in the playplace

Hannah with Barney

Ryan in the monster truck

Making some noise

Blowing out his candles

Noah opening his gifts

Rick found these glasses for the goodie bags and they were a hit with the kiddos

Kari fell asleep with her glasses on during her nap

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