Waiting to pay the toll to get on the bridge
Rick driving
The kiddos ready for the Ocean
The Bay Bridge.....
Side of the road black-eyed susans
DQ was a definite stopping place. We have missed being in TX more than we'd like to admit.
We all enjoyed chocolate dipped ice cream cones
We were lucky enough to rent a condo from some family for our mini trip. It was just perfect!
Rick and the kiddos in the condo
Cody chillaxing at the condo
Devin and Noah "sleeping" in one of the bedrooms
The man that sculpts out of sand has done it for as long as I can remember. It is amazing.....
Some neat views.....
View of the beach
View down the boardwalk
We went right to the beach after dinner. The kiddos had a blast.
The water was A LOT colder than we thought it would be
The waves were pretty rough and we got really wet
Rick and the kiddos get wet while the waves break
Devin and Noah's footprints in the sand (each going their own way)
Rick enjoys a soft serve cone, while I indulge in my favorite - mint chocolate! I love Dumser's icecream!
Noah drinking a milkshake from Dumser's
We used to eat at Lombardi's on the boardwalk, but now there is only one on Pennsylvania Avenue
Contemplating his order
His future's so bright, he's gotta wear shades
Not too tired....
.....to smile
Sisterly smooches
Noah did NOT want his picture taken
Sisterly and brotherly love
Even better than I remember
Every year when we were younger we'd go to the Trimper rides one night during vacation. The Whip was always the ride we'd get on first. I remember laughing until my sides hurt. This year the same thing happened as I watched Noah ride it for the first time.
Noah wasn't so sure at first.....
He ended up loving it!
Posing with the pirate.
Devin kissing the pirate.
Kari hadn't been feeling too well (she had a stomach bug)but, got on the tea cups with Devin and Noah.
Noah loved riding the roller coaster
Noah on the bumper boats. He kind of just went around in circles.
Noah on the hot air balloon.
Rick and Noah in the mirror maze.
Noah the Pirate shopping at Edwards Five and Dime.
Rick and Devin went to see the sunrise one morning....
Devin introducing...the sun.
Shells collected on the beach.
Dev's sandy foot.
Rick orders some breakfast.
Breakfast after the sunrise.
Some photos from the beach....
Kari, sporting some shades after Devin won her a CareBear.
Dinner before we left the Ocean. Nothing like I remember.....
All in all, it was a memorable trip. We had a fabulous time!
Looks like everyone had a great trip!!!
Oh.My.Gosh. That pizza looks sooo good! Looks like you had a good time. I want to go the beach this year.
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