Friday, March 14, 2008

Breakfast with Santa (and the Cousins)

Kari's school hosted a Breakfast with Santa in December. I volunteered to get up at o'dark thirty to help set up and make the sausage and pancakes. Then I came home and woke up the kiddos and Grammie and we went to have breakfast with Santa. We had Sophie and Josiah with us for the weekend so they went, too. They even had a Secret Santa Shoppe where the kiddos bought gifts for each other. And they each had their picture taken with Santa. They were all on the 'good' list, but you wouldn't know it from the red eyes in the pics. Devil children! Ha!

Happiness is eating pancakes with Santa and the family at 9 AM on Saturday morning

Noah and Santa

Kari and Santa

Josiah and Santa

Sophie and Santa

Posing with the snowmen

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