Friday, March 14, 2008

Christmas 2007

Some way over due Christmas pictures and journaling.....

Mom and Dad Parker hosted their annual Christmas Eve Open House, but I didn't take any pictures except for the one of Rick and Noah below. The Pilkertons, Lamarres, Wyatts and Zieglers were in attendance and we had our annual gift exchange. We ate some fantastic food, including Tara's buffalo chicken dip which is now a CEOH staple! This year's holiday season was very low key and we really enjoyed it.

Noah and Daddy ready for our church's candlelight service. They're twinkies!

The kiddos always get to open one gift on Christmas Eve and it is always PJs.....

Noah's new PJs

Kari's new PJs

Cody's new PJs

Devin's new PJs

Josh's new PJs

Reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve

Christmas Day started early, thanks to devin who insisted we all get up at 7 AM to open gifts. Rick and I were a little less than happy about that since Kari was not able to settle herself down and get to sleep before 4 AM. But, everyone napped later in the day, so it was all good!

Noah and Kari's gifts from Santa

Opening gifts

After sitting on the floor for a bit, Noah opted to sit in the recliner to open his gifts.

Devin posing with a new shirt

One of the gifts Kari asked Santa for this year. Score!

Opening presents frenzy

New Ravens PJs for Poppy

Grammie was very happy about getting a trifle bowl

After Noah opened these PJs from the Powells he immediately stripped down and changed into them (Check out my red eyes. Ick!)

Rick and his Christmas present. He is uber excited!

It was Devin's idea to be up at the butt crack of dawn and she was the first one to crash

Singing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus

Devin gave Cody a tattoo maker for Christmas. We were all white trash before noon, sporting our tattoos. Rick was less than thrilled, but finally caved and let Devin give him one. Pics below......

Kari getting a tattoo

Rick's tattoo

The tattoo and the artist

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