Thursday, January 17, 2013


I have an unhealthy love affair with sleep and my bed. I enjoy sleeping and napping so much that I sometimes count the hours until I can sleep again as soon as I wake up in the morning!

But, I also have a strong desire to be close to the Lord, be in good health and be a present wife for my husband and Momma for my kiddos. So, I am joining the HelloMornings Challenge !

This encouraging group of women band together for 13 weeks to be committed to rising early, spending time in God's Word and in prayer, exercising and planning out the day all before your family wakes for the day. It is a great way to get serious about making the day count by getting the morning started right.

Won't you join me?

1 comment:

mamawest777 said...

We share a love of snooze & family! Will be praying for you as we do this hellomorning thing together for the first time!