Monday, December 29, 2008

Not Me Monday 14th Edition

I did not stay in my pajamas on Thursday and Friday, but if I had know that I showered, I just put my pajamas back on afterward.

I did not get four tickets on Christmas Day while waiting at the airport to pick up Devin and Cody.

I did not skip doing Christmas cookies with the kiddos this year. They totally did not even notice.

I did not wrap all of the kiddos' gifts in one night. If I had I wouldn't have gone to bed until 3:30 AM and that would have been crazy!

I did not eat hummus and like it.

I did not make the children wait to come see what Santa brought them until I had coffee brewing.

I did not let my son wear a camo shirt and slippers and plaid shorts on Christmas Day. I did not tell him I couldn't see him because he was wearing camo.

I did not spend Christmas Eve service in the church kitchen pretending to help set up the food for after the service when I was really sampling the food.

I did not wear reindeer antlers to my husband's work Christmas party.

And lastly, I did not have to clean up after my son stood on the top bunk and peed over the side, fully clothed, while his cousins played in his bedroom Christmas Eve.

Nope, not me!

McKMama is taking today off, with all the excitement of the weekend and it being Christmas break and all, but check back next Monday for more Not Mes!

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