Monday, December 01, 2008

Not Me Monday 10th Edition

I did not totally forget about Not Me Monday.

I did not eat a pumpkin roll in 12 hours - my children and I did not eat pumpkin roll for dessert on Thursday, breakfast on Friday, snack on Friday and breakfast on Saturday.

I did not squirt whipped cream into my mouth directly from the bottle. I did not let my children do it, either.

I did not dip my pretzels in chocolate icing.

I did not have a bizarre dream about a friend and proceed to laugh every time I saw them Sunday and thought of the dream, but not tell them why I was giggling.

I did not panic when my 4 year old twisted a string from his blankie around his finger, causing it to turn purple and start to lose circulation.

I did not tell him to suck it up when I had to cut his beloved blankie to get his finger out of it. I did not also say, "It was cut the blankie and deal with it or lose the finger, son!"

I did not let my kiddos stay up late and sleep in every day last week during their break, setting a bad precedent and having to deal with wailing and gnashing of teeth at bedtime tonight.

Check out McKMama's blog where it all started. What didn't you do??


-stephanie- said...

boy, I could have written the not me's about the kids and bedtime, and blankie troubles.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

We are always losing blankies here, however, we have yet to (almost) lose a finger to one! Great list!